2 research outputs found

    Hybrid Genetic Algorithm for Multi-Period Vehicle Routing Problem with Mixed Pickup and Delivery with Time Window, Heterogeneous Fleet, Duration Time and Rest Area

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    Most logistics industries are improving their technology and innovation in competitive markets in order to serve the various needs of customers more efficiently. However, logistics management costs are one of the factors that entrepreneurs inevitably need to reduce, so that goods and services are distributed to a number of customers in different locations effectively and efficiently. In this research, we consider the multi-period vehicle routing problem with mixed pickup and delivery with time windows, heterogeneous fleet, duration time and rest area (MVRPMPDDR). In the special case that occurs in this research, it is the rest area for resting the vehicle after working long hours of the day during transportation over multiple periods, for which with confidence no research has studied previously. We present a mixed integer linear programming model to give an optimal solution, and a meta-heuristic approach using a hybrid genetic algorithm with variable neighborhood search algorithm (GAVNS) has been developed to solve large-sized problems. The objective is to maximize profits obtained from revenue after deducting fuel cost, the cost of using a vehicle, driver wage cost, penalty cost and overtime cost. We prepared two algorithms, including a genetic algorithm (GA) and variable neighborhood search algorithm (VNS), to compare the performance of our proposed algorithm. The VNS is specially applied instead of the mutation operator in GA, because it can reduce duplicate solutions of the algorithms that increase the difficulty and are time-consuming. The numerical results show the hybrid genetic algorithm with variable neighborhood search algorithm outperforms all other proposed algorithms. This demonstrates that the proposed meta-heuristic is efficient, with reasonable computational time, and is useful not only for increasing profits, but also for efficient management of the outbound transportation logistics system

    Wykorzystanie rynk贸w predykcyjnych jako narz臋dzia wspieraj膮cego podejmowanie decyzji w sektorze recyklingu samochod贸w

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    Background: The key players in the vehicles' recycling system are disassembling facilities, which manage flows of waste and reusable parts. The focus of the company's business activity lies in stream of reusable parts, which is the most valuable, considering possibilities of selling (economic value) and resources saving (ecologic value). As a result of conducted research problem with demand forecasting was identified, which was affected by the specific domain of business. The major objective of the paper was to present how to support demand forecasting on parts in disassembling facility with the use of predictive markets. Methods: The problem area related to the demand forecasting in the disassembling companies was identified based on the previously conducted research and observations. The desk-research method was used to verify current knowledge on the forecasting methodology. Taking it into account, the predictive markets method was chosen in a specific research problem. Results: In the paper, the idea of predictive markets was presented. What is more, general procedure of its implementation and practical application in supporting decision in disassembling companies were described. Conclusions: Predictive markets which are based on the idea of crowdsourcing, use collective crowd intelligence, supporting many business areas, including automotive industry. The predictive market method was successfully adopted in disassembling facility in order to support decisions on demand forecasting of reusable parts. The main challenge in introducing predictive markets for enterprises application is IT support and that outlines direction for future research.Wst臋p: Kluczowym ogniwem w systemie recyklingu samochod贸w s膮 stacje demonta偶u, zarz膮dzaj膮ce przep艂ywami odpad贸w oraz cz臋艣ci zamiennych. Przedsi臋biorstwa te w swojej dzia艂alno艣ci skoncentrowane s膮 na strumieniu cz臋艣ci zamiennych jako 偶e jest on najbardziej warto艣ciowy, maj膮c na uwadze mo偶liwo艣ci sprzeda偶y (warto艣膰 ekonomiczna) jak r贸wnie偶 oszcz臋dzanie zasob贸w naturalnych (warto艣膰 ekologiczna). Zwa偶ywszy na warto艣膰 przep艂ywu cz臋艣ci zamiennych, zidentyfikowano problem zwi膮zany z prognozowaniem zapotrzebowania, co zwi膮zane jest z charakterem prowadzonej dzia艂alno艣ci. Bior膮c pod uwag臋 fakt, 偶e strumie艅 wej艣ciowy samochod贸w przetwarzanych w przedsi臋biorstwie, jest poza jego kontrol膮, podj臋to pr贸b臋 wspierania prognozowania zapotrzebowania na cz臋艣ci (strumie艅 wyj艣ciowy) za pomoc膮 wykorzystania rynk贸w predykcyjnych. Metody: Na podstawie wcze艣niej przeprowadzonych bada艅, zidentyfikowano problem zwi膮zany z prognozowaniem w stacji demonta偶u pojazd贸w. Wykorzystano metod臋 analizy i krytyki pi艣miennictwa w celu zbadania istniej膮cych opracowa艅 w zakresie metod prognozowania. Maj膮c na uwadze wyniki badania literatury, wykorzystano metod臋 rynk贸w predykcyjnych, kt贸r膮 wykorzystano w wybranym obszarze badawczym. Wyniki: W pracy przedstawiono og贸ln膮 procedur臋 dotycz膮c膮 wykorzystania i wdro偶enia rynk贸w predykcyjnych w procesie wspierania podejmowania decyzji w stacji demonta偶u pojazd贸w, w obszarze prognozowania. Wnioski: Rynki predykcyjne, opieraj膮ce si臋 na idei crowdsourcingu, wykorzystuj膮 tzw. "m膮dro艣膰 t艂umu", wspieraj膮c zr贸偶nicowane obszary dzia艂alno艣ci biznesowej, w tym r贸wnie偶 bran偶臋 motoryzacyjn膮. Publikacja mo偶e by膰 traktowana jako przewodnik w zakresie u偶ycia rynk贸w predykcyjnych w specyficznym obszarze problemowym, w tym r贸wnie偶 tak skomplikowanym jak prognozowanie zapotrzebowania na cz臋艣ci zamienne w stacji demonta偶u pojazd贸w